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Become a Guardian of the Pantanal

Make your donation and help the Alto Pantanal Brigade to continue protecting the Jaguars’ Corridor, between Serra do Amolar (in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul) and the Pantanal Matogrossense National Park (in Mato Grosso). Currently, the Instituto Homem Pantaneiro has the resources to support the brigade only until March 2022.

Please donate, help us to preserve the environment, and receive rewards! Gifts range from social media recognition to trips to Serra do Amolar, Pantanal.

Alto Pantanal Brigade

Maintained by donors and volunteers, the Brigade was created in 2020, when wildfires devastated the Pantanal. That year, more than 90% of the area in which the Brigade operates today was affected by the fires. In 2021, after the team was trained, fires reached only 7% of the area, because of their hard work.

The brigadiers work not only during the critical period, when more outbreaks of forest fires are registered but also throughout the year.

Brigade actions

During the 2020 fires, more than 17 million animals died in the Pantanal. The brigadiers have been working primarily on the prevention of fire outbreaks so that fires of this magnitude do not happen again.

The Alto Pantanal Brigade works in different actions: promoting educational activities with riverside communities; opening firebreaks to contain the fire; creating escape routes for animals and residents, and maintaining the roads, among others.

In September 2021, the Brigade also supported PrevFogo (the government’s National Center for the Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires) in the training and capacitation of a female brigade, made up exclusively of Pantanal women.

Work that makes a difference

“The creation of the Alto Pantanal Brigade was a quick response we found to fight the fires that were destroying the Pantanal in 2020. We already knew that temporary actions would not be enough to safeguard the biome and all its wealth. So, we came up with something permanent. But all this work goes far beyond the brigadiers and includes everyone willing to collaborate. The brigade only exists thanks to people and companies that, in the past, were already keen to help. As the Brigade became fundamental, we had the idea of ​​also calling them “the guardians”. And the Pantanal needs more guardians!”, President of the IHP (Instituto Homem Pantaneiro), Ângelo Rabelo.

As the former coordinator of the Alto Pantanal Brigade and current manager of the Mato Grosso National Park, Bruno Agueda, recalls the team had to act directly in combat: “The first fire was in an urban area, on August 20, 2021. In September, they also worked in the areas of Porto Laranjeiras, Ilha Laranjeira and Paraguai Mirim, avoiding the fire spots to reach the IHP management areas. These actions prevented the fire from reaching several homes,” he says.

Coat of Arms of the Alto Pantanal Brigade honors the memory of Haroldo Palo Jr

“When we preserve the landscape, we preserve all the plants and animals that inhabit it, including ourselves”
Haroldo Palo Jr (1953 - 2017)

How much does it cost to keep the brigade?

The annual cost is approximately R$ 330 thousand (approximately USD 61,400), of which R$ 132 thousand (USD 25,000) is used to pay four firefighters for 12 months. All brigadiers are from the Pantanal, which means that the initiative generates employment and income for the local community.

Another R$ 10,000 (USD 1,860) is used to purchase PPE (personal protective equipment) and new equipment for the brigade.

For fuel, food, and operating expenses throughout the year, we need R$ 188,000 (about USD 35,000)


The Alto Pantanal Brigade receives donations of any amount and appreciates any contribution. For donations from individuals, the Institute (IHP) has prepared the counterparts below.

Please donate and send your receipt to requesting your reward!



R$ 250

The name of the donor is mentioned in a thank you post on the Brigada Alto Pantanal’s Instagram page, placing it as a PANTANAL GUARDIAN.

R$ 500

Personalized t-shirt with the name of the donor as a PANTANAL GUARDIAN (delivery cost to address paid by the donor)

R$ 15.000

Weekend experience in Serra do Amolar for 2 people (including transfer Corumbá X Pantanal + food and accommodation on site. The donor is responsible for the transport to Corumbá. Date to be agreed)

Bank deposit

Banco do Brasil
Bank branch 0014-0
Account number 70312-5
Instituto Homem Pantaneiro
CNPJ 16.575.853/0001-91




Instituto Homem Pantaneiro:


Documenta Pantanal

Instituto Homem Pantaneiro

Wahba Filmes



Fundação Panthera


Mercado Bitcoin

Ampara Silvestre

Instituto Questão de Ciência



Freeland Brasil

Fundação Ecotropica

Fundação Grupo Boticário



Pangea Produções

SOS Pantanal


Reserva da Biosfera do Pantanal


Rede Nacional Pró-unidades de Conservação



Observatório Pantanal


VIVA Instituto Verde Azul

Viajar Verde

Pure Brasil

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